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In this episode we talk with MSFT PM Sebastien Levert, on the different ways to extend #microsoftcopilot , good practices for #developer and #lowcodeplatform #copilotstudio makers and guidance on security and how to get started.

Copilot | Microsoft Developer

In this episode, we talked with Microsoft 365 Developer Advocate Waldek Mastykarz about extending #copilot for #microsoft365 with #connectors.


In this episode, we talked with Microsoft Graph SDKs Principal Software Developer at Microsoft Vincent Biret about extending #copilot for #microsoft365 with #plugins

In this episode, we talk about the new updates and features in copilot and notes from the field as we see clients starting to pilot/rollout Copilot for Microsoft 365..

In this episode, we talk with VP Sean Lessman at Synergy Sky as he talks and demo's their CONNECT product.

In this episode, we talk with #Microsoft Principal Cloud Solution Architect Michelle Gilbert about the best practices of #copilot and use cases in the field.

In this episode, we talk with UC Analyst Kevin Kieller about all things AI when it comes to Unified Communications.

In this episode, the team talks with Microsoft Security Expert Andre Lutermann, about Microsoft Security Copilot and the announcements from Microsoft Secure , along with some deep dive demos into the new features in Copilot Security and Intune and Entra-ID.

In this episode, the team discusses all the resources available in order to have a proper #microsoftcopilot for #microsoft365 rollout and adoption for your organization.

In this episode, the team talks with Microsoft Security Expert Andre Lutermann about Microsoft Security Copilot, high level of what is Microsoft Security Copilot and some starter use cases.