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This episode discusses the new licensing changes to #microsoftteams voice licensing options including Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) options, and Teams MTR systems. Dino gives us a rundown of his analysis of the different voice options, and Michael goes over when to use the new MTR licensing.

Note: in the podcast we mistakenly reported that the PAYG option is not available for m365 tenants in the UK.  It is available in the UK.  It is not available only for tenants with bill administration addresses in the US and Puerto Rico.

This episode discusses Microsoft 365 analytics tools and features to help with organization and end-user adoption.

In this episode, the team walks through setting up your #powerbi environment for Microsoft Teams analytic reporting.

In this episode, the team interviews our very own Michael LaMontagne and his new Saas application, TeamsBoss. TeamsBoss allows you to easily manage your Microsoft Teams deployment (Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Direct Routing) through a single tool and apply profiles and policies.

In this episode, the team talks with Sennheiser Global partnership manager and fellow hockey fan Charlie Jones on how their #MicrosoftTeams products help organizations with hybrid work.


In this episode, we discuss, how to manage Microsoft Teams operator connect outbound dialing to restrict users from calling international numbers.

In this episode, we discuss how to prepare your network for hybrid work and also demo how to set up Microsoft Teams new feature bandwidth roaming profiles.

In this episode, we discuss Microsoft Teams 5th anniversary, how we got here, and Microsoft Teams' most impactful things.

In this episode, we provide a quick overview of the Teams Voice options and the recent licensing changes to :

  • Microsoft Bussiness Voice
  • Audio Conferencing
  • Limitations

In this episode, we talk to Microsoft MVP Antonio Maio about M365 Security.

  • How has the security landscape changed in M365 over the last couple of years?
  • Top ways security teams secure remote workers
  • Future of M365 security
  • Customer engagements.